Manage our emotions
How we understand, process and manage our emotions.
These skills mean we can deal with how we feel as we go through life, especially when facing situations that can cause emotions to run high. We might know that, for us as an individual, having trouble concentrating, feeling like our heart is pounding in our chest, or feeling physically sick might mean we are feeling very worried. Beyond that, we have words to describe how we are feeling, and perhaps someone we can talk to, and we know what helps us as individuals – maybe taking a short walk or spending time with friends – to cope with these feelings.
These skills are:
- Understand our own and others’ emotions
- Have ways to manage our emotions
Why do these skills matter for a happy and healthy life?
Understanding, processing and coping with our emotions are all crucial skills for living a healthy and happy life. These skills are particularly valuable in challenging situations. Identifying and addressing strong emotions can help us to find ways to calm down before emotions escalate to intense levels or overwhelm us. These skills also help us to respond to difficult feelings (such as anxiety and stress) in healthy ways. Managing our emotions and having healthy coping techniques helps to reduce stress, with positive impacts on our physical and mental health.
Being able to communicate our emotions to others, and being able to understand others’ emotions, can foster stronger relationships. These skills help us to communicate effectively and avoid misunderstandings, and to respond to each other in sensitive and supportive ways. Strong relationships bring a wide range of benefits throughout our lives