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Building a healthy brain

The world in which a young child grows up shapes the way their brain develops.

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Business Taskforce

The Business Taskforce for Early Childhood

Prioritising early childhood for a happier healthier society: How businesses can drive, and benefit from, transformative societal change.

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Lego blocks

Our early childhoods, the time from pregnancy to five, fundamentally shape our whole lives. Through research, campaigns and collaboration we’re working to change the way we think and act on the early years so that together we can build a happier, healthier, more nurturing world. 

“The early years are not simply about how we raise our children. They are about the society we will become.”

— The Princess of Wales
Woman eating whilst man laughs
  • Woman eating whilst man laughs
  • Old affectionate couple have lunch outside
  • Girl comforting a friend indoors
  • men talking in a support group

How we work



We believe the case for early childhood starts with science and data. We support, deliver and showcase high-quality research to shape our activity, to increase knowledge and to promote best practice.



We believe that tackling the toughest challenges in early childhood and achieving the biggest, long-term impact requires people coming together. We will collaborate with people from across the private, public and voluntary sectors and all walks of life to make positive change.


Creating change

We believe that to achieve transformative societal impact we all need to understand why early childhood matters and what we can do to make lasting change. We will raise awareness and inspire action through creative campaigns and activity.