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We must prioritise social and emotional skills if we are to thrive, says Princess of Wales as Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood publishes new framework

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All the latest news and stories from the Centre for Early Childhood.
The Princess of Wales launches an interactive trail to support social and emotional development in under fives

The Princess of Wales launches an interactive trail to support social and emotional development in under fives
We must prioritise social and emotional skills if we are to thrive, says Princess of Wales as Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood publishes new framework

We must prioritise social and emotional skills if we are to thrive, says Princess of Wales as Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood publishes new framework
Thousands more families to benefit as Royal Foundation-backed programme to promote babies’ wellbeing expands to eight more areas.

Thousands more families to benefit as Royal Foundation-backed programme to promote babies’ wellbeing expands to eight more areas.
Major firms commit to action as taskforce report identifies £45.5billion opportunity for UK economy from investing in early childhood

Major firms commit to action as taskforce report identifies £45.5billion opportunity for UK economy from investing in early childhood
“Overwhelmingly positive” results for Royal Foundation-backed early years trial as report recommends expansion to more UK health visiting teams

“Overwhelmingly positive” results for Royal Foundation-backed early years trial as report recommends expansion to more UK health visiting teams
The Princess of Wales visits Sebby’s Corner to kickstart initiative to support families

The Princess of Wales visits Sebby’s Corner to kickstart initiative to support families
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