What can I do

We all have a role to play in creating a healthier, happier society. It won’t be an ‘easy fix’ - transformation never is. But together, we can change the world around children.

Child swimming in pool

Raise awareness

While there was near unanimous agreement (91%) that the early years are important in shaping a person’s future life, only a small number of people recognise the unique importance of the 0-5 period. Yet the way we develop, through our experiences, relationships and surroundings at this very early age, fundamentally shapes our whole lives.

Awareness raising is important in itself – so talk to people, share our campaign and spread the word on the crucial importance of early childhood.

Layla with ice cream

Play your part

We all have a role to play in creating a healthier, happier society. From checking in with those around you and offering help, to considering opportunities in your local community or workplace to build a more supportive, nurturing world around children and carers, there are lots of opportunities to make a difference.

Opportunities for impact for businesses

Make a difference: give time, resource or expertise

Create family-friendly workplaces

Man with child at nursery

How your childhood has shaped you

Learn more about how what happens in early childhood shapes the way our brain develops, creating the foundations for future health and happiness.

Learn more about building a healthy brain

Mum and child

The foundations for managing our emotions are laid down in early childhood and influence our physical and mental health even decades later as adults.

Dig a bit deeper by learning more about yourself and your own childhood. Understanding our own behaviours, emotions and feelings can support our mental health and better equip us to help others.

Seek support

Every one of us needs practical or emotional support from time to time. Getting help early can make all the difference. 

Whatever you’re going through, there is always someone to listen. Whether you need help to work through your own experiences of childhood or being a parent, or with anything else that is affecting you, a range of help is available. Take a look at our help and resources page to find out who to contact.

If you’re in crisis and need to talk right now, Samaritans will face it with you. They’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Call 116 123 for free, or find other ways to get in touch

View more help and resources